GI Advanced Practice Module 2018 (APM): Restoring Gastrointestinal Equilibrium: Practical Applications for Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Gut Dysfunction
October 25 -
27, 2018
JW Marriott Nashville | Nashville, TN
Program Schedule for Thursday, October 25th 2018 (DAY ONE)
7:00 am - 8:00 am |
Check-in - In Person only
8:00 am - 8:15 am |
Welcome and Introduction Dan Lukaczer, ND
8:15 am - 9:30 am |
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction, Chronic Disease, and the Functional Medicine Matrix Model
9:30 am - 10:00 am |
Morning Break (Refreshments in Practice Implementation Showroom, In-Person only)
10:00 am - 11:15 am |
Functional Assessment of Digestive Dysfunction and Intestinal Permeability Gerard E. Mullin, MD
11:15 am - 11:30 am |
Mini Break
11:30 am - 1:00 pm |
The Gluten Conundrum
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
Sponsored Lunch presented by Doctor’s Data, Inc.
Microbial Flora Analysis – Pathogens, Culturomics and Beyond by Joel Mortensen PhD Optional, Non-CME, In-Person Only |
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm |
Free time
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm |
Remove, Replace, and Replenish: The Diet Prescription and Supplementation Part 1 Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm |
Afternoon Break (Refreshments in Practice Implementation Showroom, In-Person only)
4:45 pm - 5:30 pm |
Remove, Replace, and Replenish: The Diet Prescription and Supplementation Part 2 Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm |
Questions and Answers Session |
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Schedule subject to change | All times are in CT
Program Schedule for Friday, October 26th 2018 (DAY TWO)
7:00 am - 7:45 am |
IFM Certification Program: The Path and Benefits (non-CME) Robert Luby, MD
8:00 am - 9:30 am |
Stool and Urinary Evaluation of Dysbiosis
9:30 am - 10:00 am |
Gut Analysis: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Gerard E. Mullin, MD
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Morning Break (Refreshments in Practice Implementation Showroom, In-Person only)
10:30 am - 11:45 am |
Navigating Dietary Options for Gastrointestinal-Related Disorders Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS
11:45 am - 12:45 pm |
Sponsored Lunch presented by Pure Encapsulations
The GI-Immune Axis: Key GI Pivot Points and Immune Support Goals by Samuel F. Yanuck, DC, FACFN, FIAMA Optional, Non-CME |
12:45 pm - 1:15 pm |
Free Time
1:15 pm - 2:45 pm |
Treating Dysbiosis: Weed, Seed, and Feed
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm |
Afternoon Break (Refreshments in Practice Implementation Showroom, In-Person only)
3:45 pm - 5:30 pm |
GERD and SIBO Gerard E. Mullin, MD
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm |
Questions and Answers Session |
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm |
GI: Business and Clinical Strategies for Successful Practice Implementation (non-CME) Kristi Hughes, ND
Daniel Kalish, DC
Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS
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Schedule subject to change | All times are in CT
Program Schedule for Saturday, October 27th 2018 (DAY THREE)
6:30 am - 7:30 am |
Yoga - In-Person only
8:00 am - 9:30 am |
IBD and Diverticulitis Gerard E. Mullin, MD
9:30 am - 10:00 am |
Questions and Answers Session |
10:00 am - 10:30 am |
Morning Break (Refreshments in Practice Implementation Showroom, In-Person only)
10:30 am - 11:30 am |
GI and Systemic Disease: Case Applications
11:30 am - 12:00 pm |
Key Clinical Applications and Takeaways
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Schedule subject to change | All times are in CT
Printed on: 12/04/24
*Schedule subject to change