Robert Abbott, MD

Robert Abbott, MD

Practice Information

  • Fee for Service / Cash based
  • Consultations Online
  • Consultations by Phone

Practice Location

E2814A6E-0D1F-4DCC-B107-7AA9AD796716 4342183425

Information for Patients

Description of My Practice

Our team employs multiple providers including a medical doctor, nurse practitioner and multiple nutritional professionals. We provide both in-person and virtual care. Many of our patients use our practice as the primary source of medical and nutrition care given our board team of providers.

Type of Care I Provide

  • Nutrition Professional
  • Primary Care / GP

Practitioner Type

  • Medical Doctor
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Nutrition Professional

From the practitioner: About My Practice

For the chronically sick, those who know their health could be better, and those well into their health optimization journey, Resilient Roots provides hope and long-term wellness through personalized medical, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance. With our functional medicine framework rooted in an in-depth understanding of human physiology, we are able to support patients across nearly every decade of life, from childhood through menopause and beyond. By practicing in true collaboration with each patient, we empower and equip patients to regain their health and vitality.

From the practitioner: What Patients Can Expect

Patients can expect to receive comprehensive personalized care from our medical team which includes integrative physician Dr. Abbott as well as our nurse practitioner Dr. Tillas in addition to our nutritional team which includes Emily Fair, MS and Kathy Boughton RDN. We pride ourselves on communication and collaboration providing continuous and timely messaging to meet our patient's on-going needs. We offer flexible payment plans for all of our services and provide superbills for patients to seek reimbursement from traditional health insurance organizations.

Health Concerns

  • Adrenal, Thyroid, & Pituitary Health
  • Bone, Skin, & Muscle Health
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Dementia & Cognitive Decline
  • Food Sensitivities, Intolerances, & Allergies
  • Gut & Microbiome Health
  • Immune Health & Autoimmunity
  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition, Health, & Wellness
  • Pediatric Health
  • Toxins & Detoxification
  • Women’s & Men’s Hormonal Health

Medical Specialties

  • Functional Medicine
  • Lifestyle Medicine
  • Nutrition

Medical Conditions

  • Aging
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Chronic Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Metabolic Syndrome (pre-diabetes, insulin resistance)
  • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • Skin Disorders
  • Stress-related Conditions
  • Thyroid, adrenal and other hormonal disorders
  • Weight or Metabolism concerns

Languages Spoken

  • English

Graduate School Education

University of Virginia School of Medicine



Professional Associations


IFM Coursework

  • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Bioenergetics (formerly Energy) Advanced Practice Module
  • Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module
  • Environmental Health (formerly Detox) Advanced Practice Module
  • GI Advanced Practice Module
  • Hormone Advanced Practice Module
  • Immune Advanced Practice Module