Deanna Tikhonov

Deanna Tikhonov

Practice Information

  • Fee for Service / Cash based
  • Consultations Online

Practice Location

E2814A6E-0D1F-4DCC-B107-7AA9AD796716 732-743-8406

Information for Patients

Description of My Practice

Boutique Functional Medicine Practice

Type of Care I Provide

  • Primary Care / GP

Practitioner Type

  • Nurse Practitioner

From the practitioner: About My Practice

We are a concierge functional medicine practice, who provide care for women who are frustrated with the traditional healthcare system and tired of being told their labs are normal when they don’t feel normal. We help women who want to get to the root cause of their symptoms through a functional medicine lense. We offer both in person visits in New Jersey and virtual consults. We specialize in hormone balance, optimizing fertility, improving gut health, and preventing chronic disease.

From the practitioner: What Patients Can Expect

Unlike traditional health care that offers rushed impersonal visits, Women’s Holistic Wellness provides a comprehensive membership model offering time, attention, specialized functional testing, nutritional counseling and health coaching. Patients have direct access to Deanna while working together.

Health Concerns

  • Adrenal, Thyroid, & Pituitary Health
  • Food Sensitivities, Intolerances, & Allergies
  • Gut & Microbiome Health
  • Immune Health & Autoimmunity
  • Nutrition, Health, & Wellness
  • Toxins & Detoxification
  • Women’s & Men’s Hormonal Health

Medical Specialties

  • Functional Medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology

Medical Conditions

  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Female Disorders
  • Gluten Sensitivity
  • Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
  • Metabolic Syndrome (pre-diabetes, insulin resistance)
  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Thyroid, adrenal and other hormonal disorders
  • Weight or Metabolism concerns

Languages Spoken

  • English

Graduate School Education

University of Pennsylvania


Masters of Science in Nursing

IFM Coursework

  • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Hormone Advanced Practice Module
  • Immune Advanced Practice Module