Claudia Marie Maltby

Claudia Marie Maltby

Practice Information

  • Fee for Service / Cash based
  • Consultations Online
  • Consultations by Phone

Primary Practice Contact Information

New Life Functional Health
E2814A6E-0D1F-4DCC-B107-7AA9AD796716 +15619870319

Information for Patients

Description of My Practice

Virtual functional medicine appointments via video and telephone consultations, recommendations, suggestions, lab testing and interpreting, supplement and nutrition ideas which are evidence-based. In the UK, I am a qualified MRCGP General Practitioner with 20 years of experience and also offer virtual functional medicine appointments.

Type of Care I Provide

  • Other

Practitioner Type

  • General Practitioner
  • Health Coach

From the practitioner: About My Practice

I established New Life Functional Health to help you find new life in you and for you. If you are tired of not finding the root cause of your health issues, not getting answers, not spending time with your traditional health care practitioner, not feeling listened to or heard, then I am here to help.
I've had Type 1 diabetes for 35 years and discovered functional medicine when I was researching ways to improve my own health. I am proof that it works. We are a product of not only our genes, but also of exposure to different things that can change which genes in our bodies are expressed. We can influence many of these things, which is such a positive message.

From the practitioner: What Patients Can Expect

What to expect from New Life Functional Health:
- I'm looking forward to getting to know you and to exploring all facets of your life that have led you to your current health situation.
- I promise to spend time with you, to listen to and address your issues, to accompany you on your journey to wellness.
- Functional medicine is not a quick fix, however. We will need to collaborate over the course of many different appointments and reviews.
- Your input and commitment will be essential. I think you will find it a completely different, new form of health journey here in a welcoming, supportive, caring, and friendly environment.
- It's a partnership. Let's do this together and I can't wait to see the changes in you begin.

Health Concerns

  • Adrenal, Thyroid, & Pituitary Health
  • Bone, Skin, & Muscle Health
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Gut & Microbiome Health
  • Immune Health & Autoimmunity
  • Infections & COVID-19
  • Mental Health
  • Nutrition, Health, & Wellness
  • Pediatric Health
  • Toxins & Detoxification
  • Women’s & Men’s Hormonal Health

Medical Specialties

  • Functional Medicine

Medical Conditions

  • Chronic Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Fatigue
  • Hypertension
  • Infections (acute and chronic low-grade such as Lyme, Candidiasis etc.)
  • Male disorders
  • Metabolic Syndrome (pre-diabetes, insulin resistance)
  • Stress-related Conditions
  • Thyroid, adrenal and other hormonal disorders
  • Weight or Metabolism concerns

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • French

Graduate School Education

University of Leeds Medical School (MBChB), Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP), DFSRH, PGDipENT



Professional Associations

Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), IFM training (AFMCP and other modules) FMACP

Board Certification

Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP, UK)

IFM Coursework

  • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
  • Cardiometabolic Advanced Practice Module